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Mid State Stockyards, LLP
Weighted Average Report for 04/30/2019
Receipts: 1187 Last Week: 1182 Year Ago: 1404
Compared to one week ago: Slaughter cows and bulls sold steady to 4.00 higher. Replacement cows and pairs sold steady. Feeder cattle sold 3.00y to 8.00 lower. Supply consisted of 8 percent slaughter
cows,2 percent bulls,3 percent replacement cows and pairs and 87 percent feeder cattle. The feeder supply included 33 percent steers, 15 percent bulls and 52 percent heifers. Near 12 percent of the run
weighed over 600 lbs.
Slaughter Cows Breaker 75-80%
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 800-1200 1170 58.00 58.00 High Dressing
5 1200-1600 1480 52.00-56.00 53.99
12 1200-1600 1419 57.00-61.00 59.12 High Dressing
Slaughter Cows Boner 80-85%
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
12 800-1200 1115 51.00-55.00 53.15
8 800-1200 1065 57.00-62.00 60.39 High Dressing
2 800-1200 1120 45.00-46.00 45.49 Low Dressing
6 1200-1600 1320 58.00-62.00 59.69 High Dressing
1 1200-1600 1375 46.00 46.00 Low Dressing
Slaughter Cows Lean 85-90%
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
11 800-1200 984 47.00-50.00 47.99
4 800-1200 1025 53.00-54.00 53.51 High Dressing
9 800-1200 901 40.00-45.00 43.49 Low Dressing
1 1200-1600 1295 40.00 40.00 Low Dressing
Slaughter Bulls Y.G. 1-2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
1 1000-1500 1440 79.00 79.00
1 1000-1500 1315 72.00 72.00 Low Dressing
3 1500-3000 1762 76.00-79.00 77.30
6 1500-3000 1759 80.00-83.00 81.26 High Dressing
3 1500-3000 1567 70.00-75.00 71.70 Low Dressing
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 300-350 332 186.00-196.00 191.10
7 350-400 380 179.00-187.00 181.33
16 500-550 539 155.00-157.00 155.37
3 600-650 622 142.00-145.00 143.68
22 650-700 661 136.00-137.00 136.68
10 750-800 769 130.00-132.00 130.30
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
4 300-350 330 174.00-180.00 178.43
3 350-400 380 170.00-178.00 173.98
11 400-450 429 158.00-166.00 162.89
14 450-500 482 156.00-160.00 158.94
19 500-550 524 150.00-155.00 153.58
19 550-600 575 140.00-150.00 145.57
4 600-650 629 130.00-139.00 134.97
Feeder Steers Medium and Large 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 350-400 382 150.00-155.00 151.72
4 450-500 485 135.00-145.00 141.17
3 500-550 543 130.00-135.00 132.66
43 550-600 562 133.00 133.00
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 350-400 375 150.00-153.00 151.00
3 400-450 418 145.00-150.00 147.68
3 450-500 470 140.00-141.00 140.33
22 500-550 517 134.00-139.00 136.40
19 550-600 579 131.00-137.00 133.35
10 600-650 611 128.00-130.00 129.80
4 650-700 671 120.00-125.00 122.23
6 700-750 730 100.00-125.00 118.62
8 750-800 775 110.00-114.00 112.88
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
3 300-350 323 150.00-153.00 151.68
9 350-400 375 140.00-145.00 142.11
13 400-450 424 137.00-143.00 139.53
23 450-500 475 133.00-140.00 135.91
21 500-550 520 127.00-134.00 130.12
62 550-600 560 125.00-130.00 128.65
4 600-650 625 120.00-127.00 123.50
8 650-700 671 114.00-118.00 117.11
1 700-750 720 110.00 110.00
Feeder Heifers Medium and Large 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
9 300-350 325 135.00-142.00 138.67
9 350-400 377 130.00-139.00 134.64
17 400-450 436 129.00-135.00 131.33
10 450-500 475 120.00-130.00 126.71
24 500-550 531 115.00-125.00 123.13
3 600-650 627 110.00-115.00 111.68
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
5 400-450 421 172.00-180.00 175.77
3 550-600 585 140.00-145.00 142.63
2 650-700 675 130.00 130.00
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 2
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
9 400-450 427 150.00-160.00 154.12
20 450-500 473 142.00-152.00 146.94
11 500-550 526 135.00-145.00 138.56
9 550-600 575 130.00-139.00 134.33
5 600-650 618 128.00-131.00 128.98
2 700-750 730 114.00-115.00 114.50
2 750-800 772 107.00-111.00 108.98
Feeder Bulls Medium and Large 3
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range Avg Price
5 400-450 425 137.00-140.00 138.80
3 450-500 475 131.00-137.00 133.71
2 500-550 530 129.00-130.00 129.49
2 550-600 582 125.00-127.00 126.00
2 600-650 622 120.00-123.00 121.51
2 700-750 728 104.00-110.00 106.93
Open and Bred Replacement Cows
Young to Middle Aged Aged
Large 2 Large 3
0-3 mos ------------- -------------
4-6 mos ------------- -------------
7-9 mos ------------- -------------
Medium 2 Medium 3
0-3 mos 750.00-950.00 -------------
4-6 mos ------------- -------------
7-9 mos ------------- -------------
Small 2 Small 3
0-3 mos 425.00 -------------
4-6 mos ------------- 400.00-525.00
7-9 mos ------------- -------------
Replacement Pairs
Young to Middle Aged Cows with Calves 100-300 lbs Aged
Large 2 Large 3
------------- 925.00-1025.00
Medium 2 Medium 3
------------- 700.00-900.00
Small 2 Small 3
------------- -------------
Source: USDA-AL Dept of Ag Market News Service, Montgomery, AL
David Garcia, OIC
Mike Bryant, Market Reporter / Office 334-223-7488
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